[January 19]
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. Proverbs 17:17
WELL has the wise man said that a friend loveth at all times. He who merely loves at a time when he thinks it will be to his own advantage to love knows not love. He who loves and is a brother in prosperity merely, and whose love and friendship wither under the heat of persecution, and adversity, has never known love in its true sense, but merely a certain brand of selfishness—the love of the world. As God commended his love toward us and showed us that not through selfishness, but generosity, at a great cost to himself, he provided us release from our prison, and gave us privileges of sonship, so true love will be willing to sacrifice. Let us judge, then, of our love for others, for the Lord, for the brethren, for our families, for our neighbors, for our enemies, even, by our willingness to sacrifice in their interest and for their highest welfare. Z'08-248 R4224:5 (Hymn 23)