[January 25]
The blessing of Jehovah, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow therewith. Proverbs 10:22 R.V.
WHOEVER has the Lord's blessing is rich indeed, regardless of the amount of this world's goods which he possesses. Of what value is all the wealth of a Croesus if it bring not peace, joy, and happiness? Wherever we go we find all—rich and poor—seeking pleasure, seeking the springs of joy; but how few of these seekers ever find it! Alas! it seems impossible for the world to understand the great fact that the blessing of the Lord constitutes the true fund of riches and pleasures forevermore—more than the life that now is, and the coming one! Those whom the Lord makes rich with his promises and his favor, his guidance and his blessing, have the joy which others are vainly seeking. These true riches during this Gospel age are obtainable by all who have the "hearing ear," and who learn of God's favor in Christ. In Christ are hidden all the treasures of divine wisdom, love, and power. Z'13-30 R5171:1 (Hymn 179)