[August 6]
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12
THIS text is worthy of being committed to memory
by all.
Its lesson is that we are not competent to guide
and direct our own affairs; that we need divine counsel.
Human judgment would be unreliable even if
supported by absolute knowledge; but in view of our
deficiency in knowledge as well as in judgment, very
evidently to man many ways seem right and wise and
advantageous and desirable which, pursued, lead to
disappointment and chagrin and ultimately would lead
to deathsecond death.
The wise, proper course for
all, therefore, is to realize and acknowledge our own
insufficiency, unwisdom, and to look to our great
Creator for guidance.
Happy are those who heed the
scriptural injunction, "Remember now thy Creator in
the days of thy youth."
The earlier this right course
is begun the better will be the results every way, the
easier will it be for us to bend our wills to the will of
the Lord; and the lessons and satisfaction and peace
coming to us through the Lord's guidance will be the
more precious.
A full consecration of the heart and
life and all our interests to the Lord, that his will may
be done in us in all things, is the consecration necessary
to the bringing of every justified believer into
fellowship in the body of Christ, which is the church. Z'03-351 R3241:1 (Hymn 12)